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STIK Carolus

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

                    History of Sint Carolus Educational Institute

Nursing education at Sint Carolus has started since 1947. According to the demand of global market and government policy in education, the form and level of education has been changing until today.
In 1962, it is known as Sint Carolus Nursing Academy. It is established in August1962 and granted permission from Department of Health of Republic of Indonesia with the decree number of 53/Pend, signed on June 4, 1963.
Since the beginning, the head of Sint Carolus hospital has an objective of improving nursing profession in accordance with service care to society and qualified service in the hospital. Based on that situation, a higher education in nursing is established wherein the students were the graduates of senior high school. It is named Sint Carolus Nursing Academy, managed under Sint Carolus Association and legalized with the decree of governor general no.27 dated July 6, 1917.
The status of Sint Carolus Nursing Academy since establishment until 1999 is follow:
- Registered under the decree of Directory General of Higher Education number 170/B-Swt/P/67 dated 1 April 1967.
- Recognized under the decree of Directory General of Higher Education number 31 Desember 1969
- Equal under the decree of Ministry of Education and Culture numbered 084/01/1981 signed 23 Februari 1981 ; cc SK Mendikbud No. : 0541/O/1991; cc SK Mendikbud No. : 480/Dikti/Kep/1996 and SK Mendikbud Nomor: 129/D/O/1999.
These processes signify that the direction of educational process in Sint Carolus Nursing Academy is to improve the quality of professional nursing graduates according to nursing education curriculum. With the advance of development activity in achieving a better society life, health development is needed to be improved too, in terms of the scope and the quality. It is also used in answering the global demand for a better health service which is based on nursing education as an integral part of it.
In realizing with this condition, Sint Carolus Association established a foundation to manage the educational nursing. It is then established by the name of Sint Carolus Nursing Educational Foundation under the legal aspect deed of notary Winarti Lukman, Bachelor of Law numbered 14 dated April 16, 1985.
In 1984, Bachelor program in Nursing Academy is changed into Diploma III Nursing Program according to the curriculum and regulated by the decree of Directorate General of Higher Education no. 140/Dikti/Kep/1984 dated December 8, 1984 about Curriculum of Diploma III Educational Program.
In responding to the global demand of nursing service and the improved science and technology in nursing, the Foundation of Sint Carolus Nursing Education developed a Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program. With this, Sint Carolus Nursing Academy is changed into Sint Carolus School of Nursing through decree of ministry of national education numbered 129/D/01/1999
This BSN program is started with the extension program wherein the students are coming from the graduates of DIII Nursing. In August 2002, the BSN program is already accepted students graduated from senior high school.
In 2004, with the new opening of program study DIII Midwifery, the School of Nursing is changing the name into the School of Health Sciences.
The following is accreditation status of Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences from National Accreditation Body of Higher Education:
- Program Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Accredited “ B “
SK No. : 011/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S1/V/2007 dated 26 May 2007
- Program D.III KNursing, Accredited “ B “
SK No. : 003/BAN-PT/Ak-IV/Dpl.III/2007 dated 9 March 2007
Program D.III Kebidanan, Accredited “C”
SK No. : 002/BAN-PT/Ak-VIII/Dpl-III/V/2008) dated 23 May 2008
In December 2008, Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences granted the permission of Program Study Bachelor of Science in Nutrition from Directorate General of Higher Education , Department of National Education by decree number 4317/D/T/2008 dated 28 November 2008. The academic year of this program started on September 2009.
Aside from that, Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences granted the permission of having the Program of Professional Ners in Higher Education through decree number 26/D/O/2008 dated 31 Desember 2008.

Becoming a Catholic health higher education with global perception and excellent in national level, becoming a center of health science and technology development, becoming God's witness to others and nature and not becoming profit oriented.
·         Developing self continuously to promote an excellent educational environment which aim to produce the competent, professional, faithful and moral health care giver. 
·         Becoming a center of science and technology through research and various academic activities in the field of health namely nursing, midwifery and nutrition and also respond to contemporary health problem
·         Develop society empowerment through giving service to them in a way as a part of the community and academic environment, and also giving special attention to those needed. 
·         Develop the appreciation of Carolus Boromeus spirituality in a conducive academic environment with brotherhood value, equity and peace as a reflection of love
 Establish a higher education in health and produce a health care giver with an integrity of knowledge base, skill and professional ethics and also able to become a performer in development in effort to improve health service
 Develop and distribute the knowledge and technology of health through research, publication and various academic activities and also respond to contemporer problems in health
 Promote society empowement through health service, training and other activites according to the nature of Sint Carolus School of Health Sciences as member of society and member of academic community with the emphasis of those people in need.
 Develop a working climate and organizational culture based on  the spirituality of congregation of Carolus Boromeus to create a strong working ethos in a conducive academic life and good  management of higher education
 Develop the competency of educative and non educative staf to promote productivity and creativity in their professionalism and carreer ladder
 Develop the network of clinical practice, academic facility and campus facility to support the implementation process of three services of higher education (Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi)
 Develop the network with other health institution and other institution in national or international scope in an effort to develop synergistic  cooperation
Chairman : Drs. Joseph Gustama
Vice Chairman : Prof. DR. Aloisius Agus Nugroho
Secretary I : Theresia Sri Suhesti, BS in Public Health
Secretary II : Rosa Meijanti Suwandhio, MA Nursing
Treasurer I : dr. Roy Tjiong
TreasurerII : Rafael K. Abdisa
Member : - Eng. Robby H. Winardi, MBA
- Sr. Marita Tri Setiawati, CB
- Sr. Carolina Nuryati, CB

Daily officer
Adminstrator Yudan Y. Gaing, BS in Public Health, MM
Administration staff: - Cicilia Listyowati Sanakeo
- Kristina Mimi
- Eka Retnaningtyas, BS in Economics
- Fransisca Diah Nur Cahyani, BS in Economics
- Laksmi Adiasanti, BS in Economics
- Lucia Setyawahyuningtyas, BS in Law

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